Tendencias Wellness 2021

Wellness Trends 2021

If 2020 made something very clear to us, it is that physical and mental health is not a fleeting thing ... but a lifestyle that allows us to transform ourselves to feel happy and full. And this year, everything indicates that the search for well-being will continue to be the most important thing.

Nury Novelo January 29, 2021 01:04 PM

We spoke with Adriana Azuara, the first Mexican woman to be recognized as a Latin American Wellness Leader for her more than 16 years of experience in beauty and wellness issues. Play the video to hear the trends that will reign this year on this topic.

On the other hand, let's use technology to our advantage and as a tool to relax and stay physically and mentally healthy. Here are some examples:

1. Apps to meditate: Use these applications as part of your daily routine, to learn to relax, breathe,

sleep better, but above all to calm the mind to make better decisions.

2. Visors that take you to a third dimension. Another tool to balance emotions thanks to its vibrational frequencies and images of nature, which through guided meditations connect you with the here and now. There are many brands that have developed these meditation glasses and they are available for purchase online.

3. Beds or "cocoons" in which you get into and enter a fetal state. This bed vibrates, has chromotherapy and aromatherapy. And just by lying down for a few minutes you disconnect from the world and your whole body enters a level of healing through music and infrared rays.

4. Online exercise classes: Moving the body and staying active is undoubtedly one of the main forms of holistic wellness.

In conclusion, today, making good use of social networks and technology to take care of ourselves is the best that can exist.

Learn to listen to your body and give it what makes it feel good without causing you stress.

Tips to start a wellness life from home this 2021.

1. Meditate: The easiest, fastest tip that will really change your life. Meditating is for everyone, it is an easily accessible tool. You don't have to be an expert or a guru to do it, it's just taking 5 minutes to focus on your breathing. This will bring you greater mental clarity, raise your immune system, activate the circulation of the body, give you more energy and, above all, help you sleep better.

2. Look in a mirror and say: "This is me." Whatever you are. Perfection does not exist ... But of course we can be better, because the idea of being better is to feel at peace with yourself and be calm. So what can you do to be better? Have tea, laugh, dance, enjoy. Exercise and keep moving.

What you do for yourself today will give you mobility for the future.

3. Do a good deed. Do you want to have well-being? Help the others. This gives you pleasure, pleasure, makes you feel very good.

The one who shares and gives, feels better and this brings immediate well-being.

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